A research group of Dr. Ikegaya and Dr. Fujisawa published a collaborative paper in Science. This study clarified that sharp wave-ripples that generated in the hippocampus during slow-wave sleep prevents saturation of neuronal circuit excitability by inducing long-term synaptic depression (LTD)-like plasticity in hippocampal synapses. This finding gives some answer to one of the biggest mysteries of the life sciences as to "why the animal sleeps".
January 29-30, 2018
The 2nd general Meeting in FY2017 was held at Okinawa Convention Center in Okinawa.
January 12, 2018
A study by Dr. Fujisawa and colleagues has been published in Science. They found that information reflecting the spatial location of both the self and the other was jointly and encoded by CA1 pyramidal cells in the observer rat.
The 2nd International Symposium on the Science of Mental Time and the 1st general meeting in FY2017 was held at Nara Kasugano International Forum.
January 5, 2017
A new paper jointly authored by Takagi, Fujita, et al. entitled “Use of incidentally encoded memory from a single experience in cats”has been published in Behavioural Processes. The study found that cats, like dogs, are able to retrieve and adaptively use “what” and “where”
information from an incidentally encoded memory from a single experience. This imply an episodic memory system in cats.The study was widely covered by the media including BBC News.
December 21, 2016
The joint symposium of Science of Mental time and Oscillology and 2nd our general meeting in FY2016 was held in Tokyo.
We had the cosponsored work shop on Evo-Devo of Vocal Learning and Plasticity at the University of Tokyo.Vocal learning and plasticity led the emergence of human language. We discussed the process in which vocalizations, a time domain signal, was acquired and shaped via two different time scales: development and evolution.
July 10-11
The 1st general meeting in FY2016 was held in Sapporo, Hokkaido. 81 of member joined and presented their own research.
May 20
A new study by Professor Kitazawa and colleagues has appeared in Neuron.
Error signals for adapting to errors in reaching was shown to be submitted well before we get even aware of the error.
A new paper by Dr Miyazaki, Dr Aoyama and colleagues titled “Dissociating the neural correlates of tactile temporal order and simultaneity judgments” has been published in Scientific Reports.
March 9
Shuhei Shima, an undergraduate student working in Dr. Yotsumoto’s lab, has received The University of Tokyo President’s Award for his research on interval time perception.
The 2nd general meeting was held in Awaji. 80 of Programmed Researches and Prorosed Researches joined and had a great discussion.
January 30
The gathering of JAB (Japanese Avian Bioresource Project Research Center) & RCAS (The Research Center for Animal Science) was held in Hiroshima University.
The gathering of "Ethology" group was held in Kumamoto Sanctuary. The member of Hirata gr.,Fujita gr.,Sakata gr.,Sakai gr., and Tomonaga gr., were participated in this gathering.
The team meeting was held in Kumamoto and had active exchange of opinions. We also observed the latest study of Chimpanzee and Bonobo at Kumamoto Sanctuary.
Kick-off symposium was held in Tokyo University. Appreciate more than 130 people participated in our symposium.
September 5 - 7
The 7th Motor Control Workshop was held in Tokyo University, Yayoi Auditorium, Annex.
August 30
The 14th Summer Workshop on Mechanisms of Brain and Mind Workshop was held in Nagoya Congress Center. More than 150 people participated in the workshop.
August 15
The website of “The Science of Mental Time” has been launched.
Dr.Kitazawa, Dr.Murakami, Dr.Ikegaya, Dr.Tanaka and Dr.Kawamura's study has been published in "BRAIN and NERVE".
July 24, 2013
Dr.Ikegaya's study has been published in "Shukan-Asahi".
The Science of Mental Time
Address: 1-3 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka, 565-0871 Japan
Dynamic Brain Network Laboratory,
Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences,
Osaka University
Tel: 06-6879-4431
Fax: 06-6879-4437
E-mail: mental_time@fbs.osaka-u.ac.jp